
November 5, 2010

Visit by Trevor Albert

I really enjoyed this visit from someone who is an experienced professional in "real" Hollywood. With movies such as Groundhogs Day, Bedazzled, League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and many more to his resume, Trevor Albert was a wealth of knowledge and stories.

One of the best facts that I learned over the course of the visit was that anytime you see the gopher from Caddyshack pop up out of the ground, it is no one other than our friend Trevor Albert hunkered below the ground sticking his hand up a puppet. Since no one else, at the time, was small enough to go down into the hole, he volunteered to do it. Having the ability to say that I met the guy who was was gopher for certain scene in Caddyshack will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of my life.

Considering the fact that I am planning on entering a completely different field than any one of my classmates, I was able to listen to his advice and suggestions in a completely different light.

In all honesty, it seems like his career path was a pretty lucky one. He started off as a lowly hand on Caddyshack, not even given the luxury of a room to sleep in, he met the right people, made the right impression, and off he went on his career.

Coming from a fan of a certain ghost-busting movie, I am inherently a big fan of Harold Ramis. Considering that he seems to have spent a large part of his career working with and around Harold Ramis, I thought it was very cool.

Sitting on the outside of the profession, looking in, he reiterated many important concepts to me. A little hard work and a good attitude goes an extremely long way. Also, to seize opportunities no mater where you are working. You never know who you might meet, impress, or work with. Somewhere along the way, sometimes even immediately, these relationships will pay off and could help you in one way or another.

I actually stayed after to talk to him and the other guy who came down also, unfortunately I am terrible with names, and forgot his. Since I want to get into media coaching and image management I wanted to see if he knew anything on the subject or any suggestions either might be able to give me on the career and what I could do to get on the right path. Unfortunately neither of them knew much about it beyond the general facts behind PR and marketing. Its all good though.

Im going to leave this post where it is, I feel like I am starting to ramble on.

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